Subspecialty training general information

Learn more about planning your training, including key dates, prospective approvals, taking leave, accredited training units, subspecialty certification and fees.

Years 1 to 3 clinical training

All five subspecialty training programs share a common workflow and deadlines across the course of a training year. A full-time subspecialty training year consists of two consecutive six-month training periods.

Apply for Prospective Approval (PA)

Each year, you must apply for Prospective Approval of your training program, including clinical and research experience, at least eight weeks before you intend to commence training.

How to apply


Download and complete the following documents:


Submit all documents via email to the relevant Subspecialty Committee.


Pay the full annual training fee by 31st January (or as otherwise advised if you’re commencing training in August).

Changes to approved training

If you wish to make changes to your current approved prospective approval form, you must submit a new prospective approval document to your Training Program Coordinator for approval by the relevant Committee Chair.

Please submit this document prior to commencement of subspecialty training with the Year 1 prospective approval application.

TAR and FAR documentation

Please visit your subspecialty page for Training Assessment Record (TAR) and Formative Appraisal Report (FAR) documentation specific to your training program.

Training time

The College credits training time after each satisfactory six-month training period. Credit for training is capped at:

a maximum of 26 weeks credit for any six-month training period

a maximum of 46 weeks credit for the full subspecialty training year

Apply for overseas training

As with training in Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand, you must apply for prospective approval of overseas training, and submit all training documentation within the same specified timelines.

As part of your application for prospective approval of training, you must provide:

a plan for completing training on return to Australia or Aotearoa New Zealand

a commitment of support from a training supervisor in Australia or Aotearoa New Zealand

The guidelines and regulations that govern registration, fees and training documentation also apply to overseas training.

If your overseas training unit is unfamiliar with these processes, it’s your responsibility to provide the relevant training documents and information.

How to apply


Download and complete the following documents:


Submit both documents via email as instructed on the form.


Pay the full annual training fee by 31st January (or as otherwise advised if you’re commencing outside of the standard training year).

Please note that the College will only credit training that has been prospectively approved.

Post-Year 3 training

At the completion of the three years of clinical training, you must register for Post-Year 3 training and nominate a mentor/supervisor who will provide input into a progress report as you work towards finalising any outstanding assessment requirements.

Please note that you must not identify yourself as a subspecialist until you have satisfactorily completed all training requirements and you have been certified by the RANZCOG Board.

Annual Registration and Statement of Understanding (SoU)

Please follow the steps below to submit your Post-Year 3 training registration form.


Click the ‘apply’ button below to complete the combined Subspecialty Post-Year 3 Registration and Statement of Understanding (SoU) online form.


Press the ‘submit’ button within the form.


Pay the Post-Year 3 annual training fee by 31st January (or as otherwise advised if you’re commencing training in August).

Post-Year 3 progress reports

During Post-Year 3 training, you must submit a progress report every six months post-clinical training, and thereafter every six months, until all requirements are completed, and you are eligible to apply for certification.

Please follow the link below to download the progress report form.

Scholarly elective

All five subspecialty training programs require trainees to complete a scholarly elective, as outlined below.

Research stream


Trainees undertaking the CGO, COGU, CREI and CU training programs must complete a prospectively approved research project with relevance to their chosen subspecialty.

If you’re enrolled in the CMFM, COGU and CREI training programs, you have the option of completing a research project (research stream) or vocational training course (see non-research stream below).

All trainees must submit their research project according to the following schedule:

Submission deadline
Trainees who commenced training
from 1st December 2018
One year after completion of training (with satisfactory completion within three years)
Trainees who commenced training
before 1st December 2018
Two years after completion of training (with satisfactory completion within three years)

Non-research stream

(CMFM, COGU and CREI only)

Trainees undertaking the CMFM, COGU and CREI training programs have the additional option of completing a prospectively approved vocational training course with relevance to their chosen subspecialty.

The training course must:

be prospectively approved by the relevant Committee

progressively build on any previous RANZCOG training and have future vocational relevance

include no repetition of previous content and/or training

focus on one course of study (not a combination of several courses)

be recognised at a tertiary institute or professional college within Australia or Aotearoa New Zealand

meet the minimum criteria of an Australian Qualification Framework (AQF) Diploma Level 5 or New Zealand Qualification Framework (NZQF) Diploma Level 5

Trainees must submit evidence of course completion to the relevant Committee within three years of completing clinical training.

Please follow the link below for more information on the core framework and approval process.

Apply for scholarly elective approval


Download and complete the following document:


Submit the document via email to the relevant Subspecialty Committee, with your initial Training Assessment Record (TAR).

Exemption from scholarly elective

If you’ve completed a formal higher research degree qualification in an area relevant to your chosen subspecialty (or a suitable vocational training course relevant to CMFM, COGU or CREI), you may be eligible for exemption from the scholarly elective.

However, you will still need to undertake ongoing research during your training.

To apply for an exemption, you must:


Download and complete the following document:


Submit the document via email to the relevant Subspecialty Committee, with the Prospective Approval of Subspecialty Training application for the first semester of subspecialty training.

Changes to approved research

If you wish to make changes to an approved research project, you must:


Contact the relevant Subspecialty Committee as soon as possible.


Download and complete the following document:


Submit the document via email to the relevant Subspecialty Committee.

Resources and forms

Please follow the links below for more information:

Key submission dates

Please see below for a list of submission dates for prospective approvals (PA), formative appraisal reports (FAR) and training assessment records (TAR).

2023 dates

Semester 1

Monday 6th February to Sunday 6th August (2023)

RequirementSubmission deadline
Prospective approval (PA) of training
(Semesters 1 and 2, 2023)
Monday 12th December 2022
Three-monthly Formative Appraisal Report (FAR)
(for the three-month period prior to Sunday 7th May)
Sunday 4th June 2023
Training Assessment Record (TAR)
(for period ending Sunday 6th August; includes
six-monthly consultant summative assessment)
Sunday 17th September 2023

Semester 2

Monday 7th August (2023) to Sunday 4th February (2024)

RequirementSubmission deadline
Prospective approval (PA) of training
(for Semester 2, 2023 — only if not already approved)
Monday 12th June 2023
Three-monthly Formative Appraisal Report (FAR)
(for the three-month period prior to Sunday 5th November)
Sunday 3rd December 2023
Six-monthly Training Assessment Record (TAR)
(for period ending Sunday 4th February; includes
six-monthly consultant summative assessment)
Sunday 17th March 2024

2024 dates

Semester 1

Monday 5th February to Sunday 4th August (2024)

RequirementSubmission deadline
Prospective approval (PA) of training
(Semesters 1 and 2, 2024)
Monday 11th December 2023
Three-monthly Formative Appraisal Report (FAR)
(for the three-month period prior to Sunday 5th May)
Sunday 2nd June 2024
Six-monthly Training Assessment Record (TAR)
(for period ending Sunday 4th August; includes
six-monthly consultant summative assessment)
Sunday 15th September 2024

Semester 2

Monday 5th August (2024) to Sunday 2nd February (2025)

RequirementSubmission deadline
Prospective approval (PA) of training
(for semester 2, 2024 — only if not already approved)
Monday 10th June 2024
Three-monthly Formative Appraisal Report (FAR)
(for the three-month period prior to Sunday 3rd November)
Sunday 1st December 2024
Six-monthly Training Assessment Record (TAR)
(for period ending Sunday 2nd February; includes
six-monthly consultant summative assessment)
Sunday 16th March 2025

Taking leave

During each training year, you’re entitled to take:

six weeks of annual leave

two weeks (10 days) of study-conference leave (which is recognised as active clinical services professional development)

To document annual or professional development leave, you and your supervisor must sign off on the type of leave and number of weeks taken when submitting the relevant six-monthly summative assessment.

The College does not require prospective approval of annual or professional development leave.

Extended leave

If you choose to take extended leave from the training program, you’re entitled to:

take a maximum of 104 weeks of extended leave (cumulative)

apply for no more than 52 weeks of extended leave at any one time (including parental leave)

Effective 1st August 2019, the ‘clock will stop’ on your extended leave, which means it will not be included in aggregated time requirements.

All extended leave must be prospectively approved by the Chair of the relevant Subspecialty Committee, and taken with the knowledge and agreement of your training supervisor.

How to apply


Complete the online Subspecialties Extended Leave Application.


Press the ‘submit’ button and your completed application form will be sent to the relevant Subspecialty Coordinator.

Subspecialty certification

To apply for subspecialty certification, you must:


Meet all certification requirements — please do not apply until the College has confirmed that you’re eligible to do so.


Complete the Subspecialty Certification Application Form.


Press the ‘submit’ button and your completed application form will be sent to the relevant Subspecialty Coordinator.

Training units

For a full list of subspecialty accredited training units and Program Directors for each subspecialty training program, please follow the link below to our Training Sites and Units page.


All training and examination fees are payable in Australian dollars (AUD), and are not subject to Australian GST.

Application and Selection
Subspecialty Selection Application Fee
Submit with application
Subspecialty Selection Interview Fee
One-time fee, payable at offer of interview
Subspecialty Years 1–3 Annual Clinical Training Fee
Due 31 January annually
Subspecialty Post-Year 3 Annual Training Fee
Due 31 January annually (50% fee reduction when clinical training completed)
Subspecialty Written Examination (CGO, CMFM, COGU, CREI or CU)
Payable when registration confirmed
Subspecialty Oral Examination (CGO, CMFM, COGU or CREI)
Payable when registration confirmed
CMFM In-Hospital Clinical Examination (IHCE)
Payable on application
COGU In-Hospital Clinical Assessment (IHCA)
Payable on application
Subspecialty Certification Fee
Payable on application


For more information about subspecialty application and selection, please contact your relevant Training Program Coordinator.

Gynaecological Oncology (CGO)

Phone: +61 3 9412 2924

Maternal Fetal Medicine (CMFM)

Phone: +61 3 9412 2956

Obstetrical and Gynaecological Ultrasound (COGU)

Phone: +61 3 9412 2956

Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility (CREI)

Phone: +61 3 9412 2990

Urogynaecology (CU)

Phone: +61 3 9412 2990


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